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Equations for calculating pressure and velocity losses in a pipeline section

∆PL – pressure loss due friction
∆PZ – pressure loss due altitude difference
Accounting for pressure losses on local resistances
V – flow velocity
Specifics of the Stokes program

Pressure losses in the pipeline section consist of losses due to friction along length of pipe, differences in hydrostatic pressure due to the difference in the altitudes of the beginning and end of the pipe, and losses on local resistances.

All equations are given for the basic SI units of measurement: length – m, pressure – Pa, volumetric flow – m3/s, kinematic viscosity – m2/s.

Pressure loss due to friction along length of pipe

Losses along length of low pressure gas pipeline or pipelines with liquids are calculated according to the Darcy-Weisbach equation:

∆PL = 8 λ Q02 ρ0 L / D5 π2 (1.1),

For high pressure gas pipelines:

∆PL = P1 - P12 - 16 Patm λ L Q02 ρ0 / π2 D5 (1.2),

∆PL – pressure loss along length, Pa
Patm – normal atmospheric pressure = 101325 Pa
P1 – absolute pressure in start of pipe, Pa;
λ – friction factor;
Q0 – volumetric flow (for gases – at normal pressure), m3/с;
ρ0 – densiti of the gas/liquid at normal atmospheric pressure, kg/m3;
L – length of the calculated pipe, m;
D – hydraulic diameter (for circular pipes = inner D), m.

First we need to calculate the Reynolds number:

Re = V D / ν = 4 Q0 / π D ν0 (2),

V – flow velocity,
ν – kinematic viscosity (for gases ν0 – viscosity at normal atmospheric pressure), m2/s.

The formula for calculating λ is chosen depending on the obtained value of Re and equations selected in project parameters:

flow mode laminar flow unstable flow turbulent flow
Re < 2000 2000 <= Re < 4000 Re >= 4000
(Re * n / D) < 23 (Re * n / D) >= 23
Re <= 100000 Re > 100000
СП 42-101-2003 λ = 64 / Re 0.0025 Re 0.3164 / Re¼ 1 / (1.82 log(Re) - 1.64)2 0.11 ((68 / Re) + (n / D))¼
(3.1) (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) (3.5)
SP 399.1325800.2018 λ = 0.5 [(b / 2) + ({1.312 (2 - b) lg(3.7 D / n)} / {lg(Re) - 1})] / lg(3.7 D / n)
where b = Re / Resq;     если b > 2, то b = 2;     Resq = 500 D / n
Colebrook-White λ = 64 / Re 0.0025 Re [-2 lg(n / 3.7 D + 2.51 / Re λ) ]-2
initial λ is 0.025 and then 10 iterations calculated

n – the roughness of the surface of the pipe, m.

Pressure change due to the altitude difference of the beginning and end of the pipe

If the beginning and end of the pipe are at different heights (parameter Z – altitude), it is necessary to take into account the hydrostatic pressure according to the formula:

∆PZ = (ρ - ρair) g ∆Z = (ρ - ρair) g (Z2 - Z1) (4),

ρ – average density of the pumped liquid/gas, kg/m3;
ρair – air density at normal atmospheric pressure = 1,293 kg/m3;
∆Z = Z2 - Z1 – difference in altitude between the end and the beginning of the pipe, m;
g – the local acceleration due to gravity, 9,81 m/s2.

In project parameters can be adjusted so that the air density is not subtracted.

The density of the pumped liquid does not depend on pressure and is equal to the density at normal pressure ρ0.

The density of the pumped gas depends on the compression ratio of the gas in the pipe:

ρ = ρ0 Pavg / Patm (5),

ρ0 – density of the gas at normal atmospheric pressure, kg/m3;
Pavg – average absolute pressure in the pipe, Pa.

Average absolute pressure of the gas in pipe calculated to the formula from STO GP GR 12.2.2-1-2013 (p. В.5):

Pavg = ⅔ (P1 + P22 / (P1 + P2)) (6),

P2 – absolute pressure in the end of pipe.

P2 is calculated by the formula: P2 = P1 - ∆PL - ∆PZ.
But since we calculate P2 for calculation ∆PZ, we discard ∆PZ and calculate P2 according to the formula:

P2 = P1 - ∆PL (7),

This simplification is acceptable within the limits of the applicability of the Stokes: SP 42-101-2003 requires account ∆Ph for low pressure only. In gas pipelines for the medium and high pressure ∆Ph << ∆PL, therefore, it could even be completely neglected.

Accounting for pressure losses on local resistances

Pressure losses at each local resistance are not calculated separately in Stokes.

In SP 42-101-2003, p. 3.30 pressure losses at local resistances (elbows, tees, valves, etc) can be taken into account by increasing the actual length of the pipe by 5-10%. Pipes in Stokes has parameter Coeff. local losses — L multiplied by this coefficient before substituting into the equation (1):

Lcalc. = L × k (8),

V – flow velocity

Average flow velocity calculated by formula:

V = 4 * Q / D2 π (9),

Q – volumetric flow, m3/с.

For liquids Q = Q0, for gases Q is less than P/Patm times. It is usually required to understand the maximum speed, so we use P2 (absolute pressure at the end of the pipe) as a P – because the velocity is maximum there:

Q = Q0 Patm / P2 (10)

Specifics of the Stokes program